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Obstetrics (Limited Prenatal Care)


The field of obstetrics deals with the wellbeing of the pregnant mother as well as delivery and healthy outcome of the baby. Obstetricians closely work with the pediatricians and neonatologists in the care of newborns to reduce chances of mortality and diseases. Their functions include:

  • Performing episiotomy that involves placing strategic cuts over the perineum of the pregnant mother to enlarge the birth canal.
  • Prolonged labor might require assistance to speed up the process in order to reduce maternal fatigue and fetal distress (rising heart rate and possible brain damage to the baby). This uses techniques like forceps delivery and vacuum assisted delivery.
  • Caesarean (C) section that requires surgical removal of the baby from the mother’s womb to reduce the complication that arise during labor. These complications in turn may cause death or damage to the newborn unless delivery is expedited with C section.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized ovum gets implanted in any place other than the womb. Commonly it gets implanted in the fallopian tubes.